Monday, July 12, 2010

Behind the scenes but in the middle of all the action

So this past Friday I had the opportunity to go see another side of the advertising world...the production side! Numantra was producing a commerical, photo shoot and radio for one of their clients, Carter BloodCare. I was so pumped to have the chance to spend ALL day at the production studio! And for a plus, I got to be out of the office the entire day. I had to be at the production studio around 9a.m. but I didn't really get to sleep in or anything because it was actually a few miles further than Numantra is from where I am staying. I didn't care though, I just plugged the address in on my Garmin and off I went...the beginning of an adventure :) I don't mind being in the car for long periods of time anymore, as long as I have wicked playing.

I arrived at Mobile Productions Studio around 8:50 and was a little worried I was going to be able to find the entrance because it is a HUGE warehouse, surrounded by other massive warehouses. I eventually found the entrance and with my vera bradley satchel on, I skipped inside. I was greeted by one of our Creative Director's at Numantra and she showed me around. I felt like I was in heaven! On one side of the warehouse there was the photo shoot set up and on the other side was the commercial shoot...which I have never seen before and was so excited to see! I have to admit that I was super nervous Numantra was going to make me to pointless running around and I would miss all the action. But Numantra is definitely different and they let me roam around and do what I pleased and observe what I wanted to observe. (I'm super lucky!)

To see the website of Mobile Production Studio click here.

The talent was suppose to get there around 10-11ish and so I just mingled and met others in the business. I met all the people in the marketing department for Carter BloodCare and let me tell you they are so down to earth and hilarious. I laughed so much that day and every second I had to pinch myself because I couldn't believe how much I love the field I am in. Wendy, the head of the marketing department at Carter BloodCare put me in charge of giving gift bags to all of the talent. I gladly took on the challenge and made sure each talent left with a bag in the hands. (she was very impressed by my dedication to my duty) Each talent that was chosen for the production was so thankful for the opportunity to do this for Carter BloodCare and it really showed how good of people Carter BloodCare has.

To check out Carter BloodCare click here.

Unfortunately there was an endless buffet of food during the day. I swear every hour, on the hour, the lady hired to make the food changed the food on the entire table. I think I gained 5 pounds in one day. She would even come around holding a platter of something...for example she brought around freshly baked chocolate chip cookies and would offer them to us. I just wanted to be like GEEZ please can you offer healthy fruit? But I also did kinda figure out that she took much pleasure in people approving of her food in front of her...which is why she would carry it around on platters.

Throughout the day I stayed in a room that had a TV hooked up the video camera to watch the commercials being taped. The talent was so genuine and they had such inspiring stories. Many of them had something drastic happen in their life that has led them to give blood. Many of them give blood every two weeks, some give platelets as often as they can. This one man was asked why he became a donor and he said because it is an opportunity for ordinary people to do something extraordinary. It really touched my heart. I really want to go give blood sometime...I don't want to wait until something drastic happens in my life that will lead me to become a blood donor.

The production of everything lasted until 9pm. Everyone that I told that to was in shock and couldn't believe I spent 12 hours doing that...but I loved every minute of it and would have been there even longer if they hadn't finished. I did such a good job of being in charge of the bags, Wendy let me take one of the extras home. There were a few blood donor shirts (I feel like such a fake when I wear it haha) and a suhweeet Carter BloodCare cooler. (that's going to the boyfriend)

Overall it was a fantastic experience and the icing on the cake to my internship. Now I must make it through 4 more days at Numantra, the only reason it will be difficult is because my mind has already started daydreaming of sleeping in and being home :)

Wish I had pictures to post, but I didn't want to be a creeper and take all this pictures of the warehouse...I have to remain professional people :) Hold onnn...I do have pictures of baby Tanner (Not that those have anything to do with that day haha)

1 comment:

  1. haha-love that you fit his pics in with your production post! :)
